
Friday, March 9, 2012

Spur of the Moment

I'm very much a planner person. We have our vacations scheduled at least a year in advance. Seriously. 

Many of you might not know, my husband and I work together. Not only for the same company, not only in the same building, but in the very same office. I turn my chair around, and there he is. When people here this for the first time we always get asked, "How on earth do you live and work together all day long, everyday?" Our response, how could we not. We have God in the center of our marriage. We're inseparable.

I found the one my heart loves.
Songs of Solomon 3:4

 My husband and I have lunch together everyday, but lately it has become a routine where we spend a a little while eating together and its back to work. Earlier in the day he had told me what a gorgeous, warm day it was outside. When he brought lunch in, something in my mind clicked. A memory of what we used to do earlier in our marriage. We were heading to the beach for a picnic. 

Remember to treasure the little moments in life. 
Some of the best ones will be spur of the moment. 



  1. So sweet! My husband and I are very much the same way with how we operate in our lives. People are often "concerned" but I couldn't imagine life any other way. I love sharing every moment with my best friend, love, and constant rock of support! Sounds like you two have a wonderful marriage!

    Love & Lollies... Jessa

    Confessions of the Cupcake Countessa

    1. Thanks Jessa! I love to hear about others who have such a strong faithful marriage. I just became a GFC follower on your blog. It's too cute! Hope you'll do the same. ^_^

  2. I'd love to work with my husband! Not sure if he'd feel the same :) lol! I'm now a follower!

  3. I love reading of other people making working with their husbands a joy! My husband and I work at the same church in different departments and I love it. It's a blessing to be able to do lunch together every day, don't you think?

    1. Its absolutely wonderful! I love hearing from others that feel the same way. I'm a new GFC follower too!

  4. Laura! I'm so glad my husband and I aren't the only ones :) ... We both teach in rural Alaska and our classrooms have a joining door. We often times have the kiddos do activities together and we do eat lunch together everyday. I have the same feelings as you towards it. How can we not love being with our significant other all hours of the day? I love the verse you gave from Song of Solomon...I'm going to put that on our fridge :) ...Have a great weekend!

    1. I love hearing from others who have the same type of marriage as we do. Its not that common. I love that verse as well. My husband bought me coffee mug with this verse and I read it each and every morning. Blessings to you! I just love your blog!

  5. aw! rhat is so adorable that you and your hubby work together! me and mine did the same thing for a few months back when we were working as resident managers and i LOVED IT. literally spending every second of every day together was an absolute blessing!

    happy to have stumbled on your adorable little blog tonight and most definitely count me as a newest follower!

    happy saturday!

  6. I wish we had a beach near by. I'd love a picnic there. so fun!

    Thanks so much for linking up to Blissful and Domestic Sunday Blog Hop. Hope to see you back tonight.

  7. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog! I already follow you on facebook but I am following via gfc now too.

    I think spur of the moment trips or days can be some of the best kinds!
