
Friday, March 9, 2012

{Guest Post} Casey Wiegand + Win Casey Wiegand Ad Space


My name is Casey Wiegand, I am a freelance artist, wife and mama. 

I love painting and sharing our life through my blog...where you can expect pieces of my perspective on life, faith, kids, marriage, with touches of art, creative inspiration, projects and things I love along the way. I have two little ones with the hopes of lots more and am married to the love of my life!

Any C-section mamas out there? Any of you look at/see/ notice your scars everytime you are getting ready/ showering, etc?
Well, I do.
I love my scar. I love what it represents.
I love that long after my children are grown, I will still have my scar from my 2 previous c-sections (and however many more). I love that it is a daily reminder to me of the 2 little lives I have to take care of & think about.
Scars represent beautiful things. They make us who we are.
What about our emotional scars? We all have them. Some run deeper than others...some change us for better and some create walls in us.
Our scars make us who we are, don't they?
When I started blogging it was because I found this quote:
"I find beauty in not only the beautiful things in life, but the bittersweet and sad as well. To me, there is something poignantly lovely about the human experience from its splendor to its grief. God created all our emotions, not just the happy ones, and for His good purposes. That's why a good cry can feel so good. And hitting our limits forces us to look outside ourselves for a Savior. It is in the plea, when we're at our end, that we can find that which is truly life-giving. Personally, my moments of deepest grief, deepest pain, have resulted in the most beautiful seasons in my heart. I've met God more intimately in those moments than in all the other pleasant ones combined. What isn't completely lovely about that?" 
I was going through a hard time and something about this quote gave me hope. And peace. And then the entire blogging experience and community pulled me out. Into a better place. 
Now...just months later, here I am embracing the scars... letting my hurt make me lovely.
I realized something along the way. I am better off with my hurt. My past. Embracing all that has happened and allowing it to make me a better me :)

Isn't she just amazing!
Which one of your lucky peeps would like to win ad space on Casey's blog for the entire month of April?

Now you can enter below to win!
**Your must be a public follower of Our Reflection via GFC to enter our giveaways.**

The first THREE entries below are MANDATORY.
All 3 must be completed in order for you to win this giveaway.
After you do that, you unlock more ways to get more entries!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love you photographic work
    thanks for following me back on Hello cotton.

  2. Casey's art is so pretty, thanks for hosting!

  3. Oh, and I blog because I love to write. It's a place for me to express my feelings, organize my thoughts, and connect with friends who have also been there.

  4. I blog because i LOVE the people!!!

  5. I blog because sometimes people can relate to the crazy things that go on in my head and I like them not to feel alone. I also love to make people laugh.

  6. I blog because I love to write about life. It's a fun way to keep an interesting journal of what my family is doing and of our daughter growing up. It's a great way to connect with so many wonderful people! Thanks for hosting!!

  7. I blog in hopes of being able to encourage families.

  8. I blog because for me writing = breathing. My blog is my place to exhale the lovely things that God has blessed me with!

  9. I blog to encourage people and share fun projects I find & sometimes do myself =)
    Much Love,

  10. I blog to share, create, relate, connect, and inspire.

    - Katelyn

  11. started blogging to chronicle all of my travels and adventures abroad for my parents and family.

  12. I blog because it keeps me sane! Like my own very public therapy!

  13. I blog because I want to share my life with others in hopes to inspire them.

  14. Ahhh... I really want to win this!!! I blog so someday my son can see his childhood- I'm the worst at trying to keep a scrapbook! :)

  15. Thanks for the giveaway Laura! I blog to document our story. To have a voice, no matter how small.

  16. I blog to share my faith and connect with other women. :)

  17. I blog because I really want to connect with others and help each other through our difficulties as well as celebrate our strengths. I think blogging can be a great community and give lots of support if we let it!

  18. I blog so that I can maybe help people.... Sometimes the only reason I'm able to push through is the hope that my pain might help someone else one day :)

  19. I blog because it was a creative outlet when I graduated college :)


  20. I blog because it is a fun hobby and I get to meet people!

  21. I blog to share our story, in hopes that it helps others who are going thru the same things we are.

  22. I blog to share all of our daily life details and projects and to meet wonderful people!

  23. I blog as an creative outlet, a place to share the ups and downs and build some awesome friendships.

  24. I blog because it's an outlet, and also a chronicle of my day to day life, considering I wouldn't remember what I did yesterday if I didn't 'type it down'. :D

    Remy / Cinnamon Bubbles

  25. I blog because it's fun and it is an escape from my everyday life. Also to make friends :)
