
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Just me, coffee and God.

This is how I start my mornings. Just me, coffee and God.
It jump starts my day, taking my eyes off the worldly things, and focusing on Him.
A few weeks ago I posted a prayers request for grandmothers eye sight. If you missed that post you can find it here. I had taken my grandmother to an eye doctor appointment to find out if she didn't have eye surgery, she would be blind within the year. I want to thank each and everyone of you who commented, sent Facebook messages, Tweeted, and emailed me with reassuring words and prayer. 

Tomorrows surgery day.  I am so grateful my husband and I have flexible jobs that allowed us the time off to spend the day with her. As I talked to her tonight, I could hear worry in her voice. If there is an area in my Christian walk I struggle with its with worry. I constantly need to remind myself with scripture reading that God has asked us not to worry but trust Him completely. These are some scriptures I've read that speak directly to my heart...

Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not be worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow 
will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own

Luke 12:25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? 

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

I hope this brings encouragement to you. 

Is there something in your life that needs prayer? Please, leave a comment below and our family
 will pray for you. You don't have to be specific, simple say you need prayer.

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  1. My husband and all the other soldiers in Afghanistan (and anywhere else).


  2. Thanks for coming by I'm following you back via GFC as well!
    Hope you're having a great Sunday!

  3. I love this post!!

  4. I have those verses memorized. good luck tomorrow.

  5. Beautiful way to start you day!
    I'm your new follower on Linky. I'd love if you can follow me too :D

    Witha @

  6. Praying for your grandmother's surgery today! Those verses are EXACTLY what I needed to read thing morning. I'm a worrier by nature too. Thanks so much!

  7. Wow that is so encouraging! I need prayer in trusting God with the wedding planning. Remembering that He is in control.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I love my coffee dates with Jesus. I've been reading a book... it's called "Give them Grace" by Elyse M. Fitzpatric and Jessica Thompson. It's sooo good and challenging me as a mother trying to bring my kids up saturated in the knowledge of Jesus and what He did for them on the cross. I highly highly recommend it!

  10. It's crazy but I was looking to pin something for the Mama's Day Giveaway.

    Funny how God leads you to certain things...I saw the post and after yesterday's lesson in the Hope and Help for the Single Mom study I goto, I was interested in what other people do for their time alone with God.

    Your post is nice. Its great that you are strong in your walk. I hope to be that strong one day.

    As for prayers. Please pray that my daughter find a home, a home that is safe, uplifting and happy, a home where we can learn to and further glorify God in. Pray that I find the best income source to obtain this home that I have not found yet, thank you!!

    Thank I said God has a way sometimes :)

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