
Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday | My Week in Photos

I love Friday's! Not only for the apparent end of a work week and now its time for a family fun weekend but for for blogging, my weeks reflection in photos. Taking a moment to look back and reflect. Being a photographer for me there's no better way to express myself.

Well it's February! Can you believe have quick January came and went?  I'm doing something pretty fun for this month. I'm participating in February Photo A Day Challenge. It's super fun! At the end of each month, a new challenging list will be posted of what genera of photo to take that particular day. If you want to join in, its not to late. You've only missed two days. Below is the list for February. Come on! You can do it! 

Here's how to play:
1. Use the list below as inspiration and take a photo everyday. For example for number one on the list, 'your view today' you'd take a shot of whatever it is that you can see today. This would be a wider shot of your office space, where you went for a walk, or whatever it is that you can see!
2. Share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, your blog or where ever it is you want to share. If you're sharing on Instagram or Twitter use the hashtag #FEBphotoaday so everyone can find them. There's a great community around the photo sharing, so do share!
3. Check out everyone else's pictures. I do it before I go to bed each night and it's so fun to see how different everyone's photos are. There are people from every corner of the world playing.
Day 1: My View
{Monday-Friday 8-5}
Day 2: Words
It was my birthday and this was from my awesome hubby.

This week was crazy at our house!
Charlie loves playing video games with the cat on  her lap. Rachel went Winter Ball
Rachel packed me a lunch and labeled everything! Charlie's took tons
of pictures of our craft project so I could blog about it. {SO cute!}
Charlie bought a guitar necklace because she says "It reminders of Ren {her big adopted brother}. I miss him." He moved across county last month. Its been hard, on all of us.
Then there's what happens when mom blogs to much.... dinner out of a box. O_o
Saturday we baked conversation cookies. Ok they're not Marta Stewart looking but very tasty!
Then Starbucks gave a free coffee for my birthday! Non-fat peppermint mocha with whip please.

Now bring on the weekend! Have a great one.

Linking up with
life rearranged


  1. this was very cute!!! Love your office view :)

  2. I am doing this too!!! I guess I should say I am going to make every attempt to continue doing it for the month. :)
    I am having my first giveaway on the blog so you'll have to check it out!


  3. I think I'm going to do this Feb Photo Challenge and just post it on the blog, since i'm behind in instagram!

  4. Hi Laura,
    I am a new follower and LOVE your photography!!! (The conversation cookies are so cute!!!)
    Super excited to be here and read along!

  5. Hehe I love the labelled bagel, and the card from your husband! Cute!

  6. that's so cute!! I am following you now from A Lil Dash Of Diva =) I am going to have to do this once I get my camera back!!

  7. That is an awesome idea! I really need something to put on Twitter. I am not very good at the whole twitter thing so I just might have to try this photo challenge! Do they do this every month and how do I find the list?
