I'm stoked to be here today to help out Laura while she's taking a little vacation. Lucky girl! I'm Alli and I blog over at
Life on Leroy. My blog is all about life, adventures, food, DIYs, fashion and lots more. I would love to meet you, stop by and say hello!
Living a simple life is very important to me. I actually strive to live simply because I feel like it makes my soul happy and helps me to focus on the little, beautiful things in life that surround us everyday. I often get asked what about my life is so simple? My response is typically because I don't have a lot of "clutter" in my life. Clutter can be physical things, a crazy busy work and personal schedule, or even negative people that bring you down. I try to keep my life free of this clutter and have found over the years that life is so much sweeter without the clutter. Find what it is in your life that makes you happy, get rid of the extra clutter and you may just find that you love living simply.

When I was a junior in High School I took a trip to Peru, South America. I stayed for 12 days in the Amazon Rain Forest and visited villages along the Amazon River where people had next to nothing. They lived in shacks, ate meals covered with bugs and wore mismatched clothing. However, something to this day stands out in my mind about them; they were so happy and so beautiful! They live these simple lives, free of clutter and even though they don't have much, they have enough. When you feel like you have enough in your life it can be such a satisfying feeling.
I don't have clutter in my house, I'm not involved in a lot of activities because I would rather spend that time with my family and I keep the negative people out of my life on purpose. I feel so blessed that my life has evolved into this simple way of living because it's truly what makes me happy.
Live simply.
What do you do to live your life simply?
What is one thing you could do to live more simply?
Now let's have some fun and giveaway something!
I'm giving away a $25 gift card to Target!!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway