Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Meet & Tweet Twitter Hop!

One of my favorite things about blogging is the community. Especially Twitter.
It's a fun way to make some new blogging friends and keep in touch.

Here's how this Meet & Tweet works...


This week's co-hosts are:
Kimberly from A Night Owls Blog
Jeanne from Life in Cleavland
Brighton from Simple Brighton
Meredith from All Dressed Up

The Rules
1. Mandatory you follow your hosts
{They are the first 7 in the linky.}

2. Follow at least 5 new people via Twitter
{Or more! Introduce yourself... Its a great way to make new friends!}

3. Spread the word!
The more the merrier! Grab a button and add it to
your blog, Tweet or Facebook about the link up.
Our Reflection
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Our Reflection"><img src="" alt="Our Reflection" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

One lucky link up person will WIN a FREE
solo guest post on Our Reflection blog!
Drum roll please....
Last weeks Meet & Tweet winner is Aimee from By Aimee & Co.

Please link up your Twitter account, not your blog.
Want to be a future co-host?
Only requirement is your become an Our Reflection sponsor.
Email me at

Monday, May 28, 2012

Tuesday Tango Link Up!

The Tuesday Tango is a multiple link-up post for everyone to meet new people and grow your audience. There will be four link-ups you can add your link to - Twitter, Facebook, Hello Cotton and Bloglovin. All you have to do is follow the host(s) for that week and then add whoever else you'd like to! It's that simple.

Host Links:

Follow the host(s)
Add your links to any/all of the link-ups
Add at least 5 people from the link-ups
- - -
Want to host one of the weeks? Let us know!

Monday Meet & Mingle Facebook HOP


It's the last Monday of the month, and we thought 
it would be fun to end it with a par-tay!

I'm honored today to be co-hosting this hop with these amazing ladies...

Megan of AbsoluteMommy
Heidi of Row House 14

We are here today hosting a Meet & Mingle Facebook Hop!
Just a fun way to start the week, and if we're lucky... 
make some new Facebook friends!

The Rules are easy peasy!

{1} Follow your hosts, listed above and/or the first 5 links in the list!
{2} Link up your blog or shop's Facebook Page
{3} Hop around and have fun!

Visit as many pages as you can, and don't be shy to introduce yourself!

Link up your Facebook page!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Meet & Tweet Twitter Hop!

One of my favorite things about blogging is the community. Especially Twitter.
It's a fun way to make some new blogging friends and keep in touch.

Before we jump into the par-tay..... Make sure you've entered all my current giveaways!
{2} of the awesome new Neon Bow Clutches from Rags to Stitches ----> HERE
$15 Starbucks Gift Card----> Enter HERE
Red Vintage Weekender Bag----> Enter HERE
Deluxe 6-Piece Spa Kit ----> Enter HERE

Here's how this Meet & Tweet works...


This week's co-hosts are:
Courtney from Baxtron Life
Jess from Jess Is More
Kendall from Songbirds and Buttons
Helen from Eat.Enjoy.Live.
Christine from The DIY Dreamer
Jennifer from Mommy Huh 

The Rules
1. Mandatory you follow your hosts
{They are the first 8 in the linky.}

2. Follow at least 5 new people via Twitter
{Or more! Introduce yourself... Its a great way to make new friends!}

3. Tweet about the Meet & Tweet!
You can use "Meet new friends & gain new followers! Join the Meet & Tweet at @_laurahernandez aka Our Reflection blog. I did!"

4. Spread the word!
The more the merrier! Grab a button and add it to
your blog, Tweet or Facebook about the link up.
Our Reflection
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Our Reflection"><img src="" alt="Our Reflection" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

One lucky link up person will WIN a FREE
solo guest post on Our Reflection blog!
Drum roll please....
Last weeks Meet & Tweet winner is Amanda from Royal Daughter Designs.

Please link up your Twitter account, not your blog.

Want to be a future co-host?
Only requirement is your become an Our Reflection sponsor.
Email me at

Starbucks Giveaway with Framed Frosting

Hey Our Reflection readers! My name is Danielle and I blog over at Framed Frosting
Framed Frosting
About Me:  I first began my blog in April of last year as a way to document the end of my high school years. Now it has evolved to be about all things fashion and beauty related. I love to bake too and am hoping to include some more recipes on the blog soon along with some DIY projects. 
I am also obsessed with chevron and mint green, which you'll see by my blog design!
How Did You Come Up With the Name of Your Blog?
It all started with these jewelry frames I was making at the time. The "Framed" was literal and the "frosting" meaning jewelry which was inspired from the movie, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

What is Your Favorite Blog Post?
That would definitely be my Favorite Things Party. I had gotten the idea off Pinterest and decided to host my own party. It was so much fun and my friends brought great items for everyone!

What Do You Write About Most?
I absolutely love fashion. I could shop online and create outfits all day long. My latest outfit was one I put together for my Friday's Fancies post. The theme was Chambray and I paired it with white to create a classic outfit that would be perfect for any day or occasion!

What are 5 Things You Couldn't Live Without?
1. my macbookPro
2. dark chocolate
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. colorful cardigans
5. Starbucks coffee

So there's a little bit about me! Now head on over to my blog to learn more and follow along with me! You can also connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. I'm on Bloglovin too!

Like I mentioned above, one of the things I can't live without is Starbucks coffee. So today I'm giving away a $15 gift card so one of you lucky readers can enjoy a caffeinated drink on the house. Enjoy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I just love June.

For us its the beginning of all our family trips adventures, that we throw into a small 3 month
period when the kiddos are out of school. This summer we're heading to Lake Tahoe, Mammoth Lakes, and Michigan. Of course if you know our family we're taking a mountain bikes on every trip! We lead a pretty busy life, but I wouldn't have it any other way, as long as we're together.

I haven't made any change to my sponsor opportunities in June, but what I am doing is modifying my goals. I have a tendency to be a "yes" person. If someone wants or needs something, even if I don't have the time, I say yes. That has taken me away from why I started to blog in the first place. I want to write. I want to share my faith, life, parenting, and photography journeys with you. In May I haven't gotten to do that. June's going to be different. You're going to find out more about the "real" me. The full time working, sleep-deprived, weekend photographer momma.

Hope you'll join me.

Feature Ad's are already booked for June and July. Reserve your August now!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hellocotton Linky Par-tay!

We are back!!

After a brief hiatus,
and I are back with another awesome Hellocotton LinkUp!
If you've hopped with us before then you know the drill.
If not here is some info to fill you in on Hello Cotton:

Hellocotton allows you to follow for free the most talented women bloggers out there. It is the easiest way to discover the latest on trends and to take on a daily dose of inspiration. Hellocotton also allows you to comment, vote and share it all with your friends.Hellocotton brings together all inspiring blogs of the moment. All you friends (people you follow) messages and articles are uploaded in real time to your homepage. This way, you don't miss a thing. Scroll the "Headlines" to make sure you checked out the most popular publications. Hellocotton is a goldmine, therefore essential.

Create a Hellocotton account, if you haven't already,
then come back  here and link up!
The Rules
1. Follow your hosts
{they are the first 3 in the linky and they WILL return the favor!}

2. Follow at least 3 new blogs via Hellocotton
{or more!! and don't be shy, introducing yourself is a wonderful way to make new friends!}

3. Spread the word!
{the more the merrier!  grab the button & add it to your blog, tweet or Facebook about the linkup!  this is not necessary, but would kindly appreciated!!}

That's it!
Have fun!
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Hellocotton!

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><center>

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Share the Love! {Saturday Giveaway}

Hi all of you awesome Our Reflection reader! My name is Kim and I blog over at The Sasse Life. I'm so happy to be over here to tell my story. Do you all remember when you got your engagement ring? The day you were proposed to? The happy moment when you knew you were going to spend the rest of your life with this one person. My day was November 15, 2008. It was a day I would never forget. Not because I received a gorgeous ring from a man I agreed to spend the rest of my life with. It was the day my aunt took her life. After seeing how suicide has affected my own life and others. I was inspired to help. You can read the full story here

 In February, I opened a shop called Loved. We all need to be reminded we are loved.
50% of every purchase is donated to the 
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
 We have already raised almost $100!
Today I will be giving away one of my friendship necklaces. Winner's choice.

Let's spread the love.

Don't forget to stop by and say hi once in a while
Thank you so much, Laura, for having me!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, May 18, 2012

Follow Along Friday!

Woo hoo! I'm doing the Happy Friday Dance over here!
Hope you're having a fantastic week, but I sure am ready for the weekend!

This week I've been all over the place giving away TONS of goodies.
Make sure you check out these blogs because you can still win some awesome stuff!

Want $30 in Mary Kay? Visit Mom2MemphisAndRuby
Want a Red Vintage Weekender Bag? Visit Made My Munchie's Mama
Want a Teal Vintage Weekender Bag? Visit Moma Marchard's Nest.
Want a FREE Ad Space & $10 Target Gift Card? Visit Live.Laugh.L0ve.
Want to Mary Kay Creme Lipstick? Visit Framed Frosting.
Want another chance Mary Kay Creame Lipstick? Visit Covered in Grace.
 Want another chance at Mary Kay Creame Lipstick? Visit Stuff I Love.
Want a Starbucks Gift Card? Visit AunieSauce.

Also, sponsor spots for June are filling quickly. If you're interested in
sponsoring/advertising on Our Reflection in June, click HERE.

Now on to the link up...

I'm SUPER excited to be on of the featured ladies today at the Follow Along Friday link up!

We want to connect with YOU!
This week we're focusing on building & connecting on twitter.
Every other Friday we want to connect with you on Social Media - Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook...




1: "Follow" Aimee's Twitter Page AND THE FOUR lovely hosts by clicking on the first 5 linked buttons below!

2: Link up by following two EASY steps!  

Step #1: Fill out the "submission" form below & enter your TWITTER PROFILE URL into the "URL" section. 

Step #2: On the next screen, select "Upload from Computer" and choose your image to upload.

3: Follow along with others that you find interesting

4. IF you want to share our little get together, please tweet: “Follow along with @byAimeeSki today at" or you can always tell your lovely Facebook followers too!

5. Come back and leave a comment at the end of our post telling us who your favorite tweetie-friend is... or the friendliest tweeter... or the sweetest product offerings... or the loveliest profile image. We will be featuring some highlights next Wednesday!

Thanks for stopping by today.
We look forward to following along with everyone that links up!

Pinterest Addict? Just maybe. GIVEAWAY!

Hi!  We are Miranda & Jamie and we blog over at The Pinterest Project.  We are so excited to be here today...a big thanks to Laura for letting us hang out with the cool kids!

We are two friends who found ourselves experiencing stay at home motherhood for the first time within a few months of each other and knew we had to find a way to keep ourselves sane through all the sleepless nights, dirty diapers, cheerios and heart meltingly sloppy kisses.  Our blog was born out of an addiction to Pinterest.  We spent so much time pinning and emailing pins to each other that we decided to use the pins we loved as motivation to cook for our families, decorate our homes, make fun accessories or clothing and just about anything else that caught our eye.

We tackle a new pin four times a week and then blog about its success (or sometimes, even an epic fail makes its way into the blog posts!  Hey, we're real and we're not perfect and sometimes our projects are big, fat failures...)  It's been an incredibly fun way to utilize Pinterest AND to get to know other amazing bloggers while we do it.

Also, every Monday, we have a series that we call Hit or Miss Mondays, where we highlight what we think were the big hits or misses that week on Pinterest.    It's a way to get to know us and our sense of humor.  (We like to laugh...and poke fun at ridiculous things)

Jamie and I have done countless projects, but here are a few of our top posts:

So, that's us in a nutshell!  We hope you'll come over to The Pinterest Project, poke around, and get inspired to put your Pinterest boards to good use (or inspired to join Pinterest!  
Let us know if you need an invite...)

And as a way of saying thank you for spending a few moments with us today - we are offering up:

- A custom made hat from none other than the talented Jamie, who also runs Macie's Little Hat Co.
You can choose your colors, style and size!  Check out her shop to see all the options.


 - a $20 gift card to Amazon!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, May 17, 2012

West Cost Blog Hop!

It's that time again! We're hanging out with our fellow West Coasters! Link up with us! 

Are you a blogger on the West Coast?
Are you seeking to find new friends in the blog-o-sphere and possibly in real life?
Well you have come to the right place!

Your Host:
Katlyn @ The Dreamy Meadow

Your Co-Hosts:
Jessica @ Before The I Do's
Laura @ Our Reflection
Megan @ Absolute Mommy
Melissa @ The Life of a Not So Ordinary Wife

What are the rules?
1. Follow your hosts.
If you are interested in co-hosting email me at katlyn[dot]larson[at]gmail[dot]com
2. Link up your home page in the state that you reside in.
3. You see those little Twitter and Facebook buttons? Hit them and share!
4. Grab the button and put it somewhere on your lovely blog!
5. Mingle your heart away & have fun!

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British Columbia:
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Meet & Tweet Twitter Hop!

One of my favorite things about blogging is the community. Especially Twitter.
It's a fun way to make some new blogging friends and keep in touch.

Before we get this Twitter party started, 
I wanted to invite you over to my sponsor page.
Spots for June are filling quicker than ever before, so if you're interested, let me know. 

Here's how this Meet & Tweet works...


This week's co-hosts are:
Nicole from This Little Momma
Jordann from Makin Memories of Us
Brooke from Covered in Grace
Tranae from Becoming Fabulous
Kelly from The Grant Life

The Rules
1. Mandatory you follow your hosts
{They are the first 7 in the linky.}

2. Follow at least 5 new people via Twitter
{Or more! Introduce yourself... Its a great way to make new friends!}

3. Spread the word!
The more the merrier! Grab a button and add it to
your blog, Tweet or Facebook about the link up.
Our Reflection
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Our Reflection"><img src="" alt="Our Reflection" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

One lucky link up person will WIN a FREE
solo guest post on Our Reflection blog!
Drum roll please....
Last weeks Meet & Tweet winner is Danielle from Framed Frosting.

Please link up your Twitter account, not your blog.
Want to be a future co-host?
Only requirement is your become an Our Reflection sponsor.
Email me at

There's No Place Like Home Link Up!

Our Home

Today's link up hosts are Hello. Also, I love you and Our Reflection

We've lived here for over 10 years. It's the first place we lived as a married couple.
It's where our children have been raised and is overflowing with laughter and joy.

It's much more than just a structure. If only these walls could talk, what would they say?

In this house lives a family strong in faith.
There is no screaming, unless your being tickled.
There are no secrets, except if you're planning a surprise.
There are lots of smiles and giggles, but the most important, prayer. 

We have our moments, our temper-tantrums, even tears.
There are three girls, a boy, a cat, and a fish all living within our 800 square foot apartment. These are close quarters.
But you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way.
I absolutely love our home. It's perfect for "us". 

I hope you enjoy the tour. Yes its always this clean. 
I give all the credit to my amazing husband. 
Don't get mad ladies but he won't let me lift a finger. Seriously. 
He would rather me be spending quality after-work time with our girls.

Let's begin....


Our living room. My favorite room of the house where most of the family time happens. 

Our piano. Found it for free in the newspaper a few years ago. 1947 Wurlitzer.
My favorite instrument of all time. Our youngest daughter is taking lessons.

Our counter stools and another shot of the piano {sorry couldn't help myself}.

Our piano bench. It holds all our bibles, daily devotionals, and current readings. 

Our hallway. We have a dream of lining it from floor to ceiling with framed pictures.

We call this our Mackinac table. The framed Somewhere In Time move poster hangs above the table that holds all the momento's from our honeymoon on Mackinac Island, MI.

Our kitchen. It's where I spend the most of my time.
Ok fine! I couldn't say that with a straight face. 
In all honesty, I love to cook, especially bake. But with our crazy schedules,
and an amazing mother-in-law, not a lot goes on in here besides coffee and pop-tarts.

My nightstand and a peek inside the girls room.
They were watching a movie in their awesome bean-bags so I couldn't interrupt for photos. 

Our room. Yes that's a pink teddy bear on my bed.

The most important part of the entire house, our bikes.
We are an avid mountain biking family and these go with us where ever we do.

Our look out on bedroom patio. I love our view.  

Our office {aka my blogging area}. Yes, I spend way to much time here.

Tennis anyone? Besides softball, this was my sport in high-school.
With a tennis court in our backyard, I really want to start playing again.
Our backyard. Lot of fun times back here.

Well I hope you enjoyed a glimpse of inside my life.
I just can't wait to see yours!

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