
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sponsor Spotlight + Giveaway: Aunie from Aunie Sauce

Today I'm honored to introduce you to Aunie from Aunie Sauce. She not only one of my favorite "daily read" blogs with her amazing fashion since but one of my super-star sponsors this month.


Please welcome
Aunie Sauce
Blog  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  
She describes herself as a 20-something in love with being 20-something. She flies by the seat of her pants and always wears a smile. She's a sauce Idahoan with a vibrant spirit, a knack for writing poems, and a quirky sense of style. She blogs about here, there and everything in between. Isn't she just adorable!

You'll want to check out her blog and follow along because it's full of style-goodness!
She has a linky party called Thursday 13. You should link up!

I asked her to choose 3 of her past blogs that she would want everyone to read. Here were her picks:

Today one of you Our Reflection readers gets a
chance to win Ad Space on AunieSauce for April!
Good luck! Your must do the first three MANDATORY entries for your entries to count. After that you can unlock more ways to get your name entered and increase your change of winning!

*You MUST be a public follower of Our Reflection Blog via GFC to enter giveaways hosted on this blog.* 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Super fun blog! And that third post down gave me goosebumps. Welcome to the fam, Aunie :)
