
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Simple Crafts with Kids Bring Lifelong Memories

I love Spring. Colors become pastels, flowers begin to bloom and you can buy Cadbury Egg's! Yes, I admit it. I have a weakness for Easter candy. 

One of the things on my year's "to-do" list was to spend more one-on-one with the kids {my 14 year old hates being called a "kid" but she's still my baby}. In the past few months we've started doing weekly crafts in our house. I have to admit my 6-year old daughter is much more excited and involved but all around, it brings us closer together. We laugh together, well mostly at me, but that's ok. I'm loving every second of it.

I've put together some crafty ideas I want to do with the kids during this Spring. I know we won't be able to make all of them, but a handful will do.
The sources are all available on my Pinterest Spring Fever page here.

I encourage everyone with kids, make a craft at least once a week together. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant. The paint chip egg garland above wouldn't take long at all and cost almost nothing. Your kids just want you. These will be lifelong memories, for the both of you.


  1. soooo excited for easter crafts!! yay!

  2. I know right! Just checked out your blog... congrats for making it past 200 GFC followers!

  3. Blessed to have found your blog from The Foley Fam!!
    New GFC and Linky Follower!!
    Jen @ F5

  4. Wow Laura! Thank you for this. I am a Kindergarten teacher and there are quite a few crafts I can do with those kiddos. My daughter is only 14 months so I'd have to wait a little while to do anything with her... How cute are those bunny cupcakes?!

    1. If you make one with your class, blog it. I'd love to see them! ^_^

  5. What a lovely blog, Laura!
    Thank you so much for following, I'm gladly following you back.

  6. Now you are seriously talking my language!!! ;-) I will link up anything Spring and Crafty I make. Oh - and thanks for the photo help!!!


  7. What a great blog! I love the photo challenge idea! Thanks for sharing!

    Found you through the Sunday Blog Hop! Following via GFC and Linky Followers! Would love if you would follow me back!

    Jill @ Create.Craft.Love.

  8. Such a good idea. I definently need to make more time with them. Those Easter crafts are super cute!!! Will be trying some of them!!
