
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Swapping blogs with Lena today!

Hi friends! 
Today Lena from Mom2MemphisAndRuby and I are swapping blogs. Today I tried doing something a little different. I actually did an interview with Lena. Made things seem a bit more personal. You can read my post of at her blog Mom2MemphisAndRuby. She has a passion for photography as I do, so we connected right off the bat! 

1) Tell us briefly about yourself.
My name is Lena, I'm 32 years old and a mom to two wacky & wonderful kids, Memphis & Ruby.  My husband and I have been together since we were in high school!  We live in a small farming community in Quebec, Canada.  I love tattoos, photography, nail polish, Etsy & scary movies.  I blog about my life, my kids and whatever else suits my fancy!  ;)

2) How did you start blogging?
I think I joined Blogger in 2006... I started as a way to document my son's milestones and my life as a new mommy... but it was very sporadic back then.  I'd say I started blogging more ''seriously'' early in 2011 and it has been a great outlet and a fantastic hobby for me!!

3) Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 
In 5 years, I see myself in a home of our own... maybe with a little photography business on the side.  Happy & with my family, of course!

4) What's your greatest weakness? 
I'm a bit of a doormat.  I hate saying no. I don't always stick up for myself when I should.

5) What's your greatest strength?
My loyalty, my patience.  

6) What's something you don't want to tell us about? 
I hate complaining... but things aren't always perfect.  Marriage is hard... we definitely have our ups & downs, and our current struggles with our son have definitely put a strain on our marriage.  We'll get through it, we always do!  ;)  We have each other's backs and love each other very much.  Life is never easy, though.

7) What is a memory that is burned in your mind forever? 
The birth of my children.  Without a doubt, I can remember EVERYTHING that happened the days they were born! 

8) How often each week do you blog and do you have a schedule? 
I tried to blog daily.  When I have spare time, I try to schedule a few posts in advance.  Sometimes I have a lot to say.  Sometimes I don't.  

9) If you could live anywhere for the rest of your life, where would it be?
I'd prefer somewhere warmer than here... but I'd still need to be close to family!

10) What is your greatest wish right now? 
Honestly, to get some answers for our son.  We're on our way, we have an initial diagnosis (ADHD), but it's so hard watching him struggle... and it's put a strain on the whole family.  I just want us to feel more peaceful again. Oh, and I wouldn't mind winning the lottery either.  ;)


Isn't she awesome! Don't forget to check out her blog Mom2MemphisAndRuby. She's also on Facebook & Twitter too! I love making new friends. My blogging buddies are amazing. Group hug! 


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