
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Prayer Request: Seeing Clearly {Literally}

Sometimes I can get caught up in hustle and bustle of life. I know I need to slow down {by body is physically telling me to take a time out.} But with work, kids, photography, blogging... who has time to stop and smell the flowers? Today I had a reality check and it slapped me across the face.

I'd like you to meet one of the most important people in my life. The person who practically raised me. The person who took and picked me up from school every single day of my life. The person who took me to every doctors appointment, piano lesson, tennis match, and softball game. She goes by the name "Granny". Yes she is my beautifully young 88-year old grandmother. 
Some day's I forget she's older now. I remember her as the young go-getter I knew as a kid. Well today I had the opportunity to take her to a doctors appointment. Thinking this was a normal eye exam I listened to the doctor tell her.... "within the year you'll loose all your eye sight." What? Excuse me? Loose her what? My body now in shock I listen to her tell the doctor she is no longer able to read or see who's on TV. She has to figure out who she's talking to by their voice. I took a deep breath, leaned in front of her and asked.... "When you look at me, what do you see?" She stared in my direction and said... "Laura, I can't see your eyes." So I leaned closer and said "how about now?" She didn't have to say anything. She couldn't see me.

I'm calling out to all the my prayer-warriors out there. In two weeks I'll be taking her in for surgery to try and stop her from loosing any vision she still has remaining. What's lost can't be fixed, but with prayers, hopefully she'll keep what's she's got. Everything is possible with God.


  1. This is such a sweet post. Good luck!

  2. I'm thinking of you, Laura!!
    Best wishes that your granny's surgery is successful and she can keep some of her vision! What sweet lady!!

  3. Laura!

    I will be praying! Watching these special people in our lives grow old can be so hard. Both of my grandmothers have passed, so this post touched my heart. I miss them terribly!! I appreciate seeing and reading about your love for her. Be blessed!


  4. This breaks my heart because I know how much your Granny means to you all. I will send prayers and positive thoughts her and your way. I saw these two quotes on Pinterest and thought of you....hope they bring comfort....

    "Sometimes God calms the storm....Sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child."

    "In the happy moments, praise God. In the difficult moments, seek God. In the quiet moments, trust God. In every moment, thank God."

    These two quotes kept going over and over in my head when dealing with my mom's and Gram's injuries. I just knew that even though it was tough, God would calm me and give me the strength to get through it all. And even though it was physically and mentally stressful, I did have faith and put my trust in Him. I always make sure to thank God for every little thing because He is the reason I get through many of the challenges in life. I hope this helps and trust that He will help you guys through this.

  5. Prayers your way! Lots of love and light as well!

    (I am thrilled to be your newest follower! Found you through the grow you blog hop!)

