
Monday, February 27, 2012

Photo Challenge Winners | Broken

This weeks photo challenge had a very profound meaning. Broken can mean so many things, and each of this weeks entrants captured it perfectly in his/her own way. Each photo seem to have a deep background. A story in itself. 

Thanks to each and everyone of you who joined in for our very first weekly photo challenge, and many more to come! We made this a family project. Each of us voted our top 3 and why, and this was the results:

1st Place: The Velarde's
We all immediately fell in love with this portrait. The depth, emotion and amazing setting left up breathless. 

2nd Place: Cori from Life Captured
We are a family that is very passionate for music. This photo captures so much history. If I close my eyes, I can hear it play.

3rd Place: Arishav - Click here to view.
I love how this photo captures two forms of brokenness. The obvious window, and the subtle woman crumbling in the background. Very beautiful work.

If your photo was in the top three, congratulations! This was an amazing first link up. Please email me your shipping information to, so I can mail you your prize.

This week our photo challenge is Photos of People Taking Pictures
Put those thinking caps on and get creative!

Read here to see how it works to be considered a winner....
Link up opens this Friday morning so be ready! A little secret, those first to link their photos get major hits.

Our Reflection


  1. Thanks for entering my sponsor giveaway!


  2. These are awesome photographs. I promise I'm going to link up soon. My only excuse is I broke my real camera and have been relying only on my phone the past few weeks- I know, yikes!

    1. I always love to see what people come up with from their phones! :)

    2. These days phones can capture amazing photos. You should totally link up this Friday. ^_^

  3. Replies
    1. I know.... don't some people have amazing tallent?! Hope you can link up this Friday. Don't think you have to be a pro at all. This is all for fun. ^_^

  4. Aw!!! I'm so honored!!! :) yay!

    1. Well you deserve it Mrs. Amazing Photographer Woman! ^_^
