
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

{Guest Post} Jessica Velarde Photography

A true friend is someone who sticks by your when you are down and celebrates with you when you are up. It's someone you trust. It is someone who understands you, knows the real you and appreciates the person you are. That is what Jess is to me. I'm honored to have her as a guest today.

Hello all! I'm so happy to be here guest blogging for Laura today. Her and her amazing family have been some of our dearest and most encouraging friends (or more accurately, family) to my husband and I over the years that we've known them. So it's an honor to be able to share a little bit of what I do with you  today! I work as a portrait and wedding photographer in Lancaster, PA. and I love what I do! I've been doing photography professionally for about four years now. When Laura asked me to guest post for you, I thought sharing a few photo tips would be the perfect way to start. So here are a few ideas that you can implement in your photo taking no matter what type of camera you have! Whether you're using a DSLR or just pro at using instagram, these are some easy ways to make your images look their best.

#1. It's all about the light, dear.  Lighting is everything in photography. And when photographing people, soft, flattering light is best! The broader the light source, the softer and more flattering the light will be on your subject. This is why studio photographers use “soft boxes”, why big windows are awesome, and why cloudy days are actually great for lighting! Soft light means no harsh, unflattering shadows. Here are a few examples...
#2. Be composed.
The way you compose an image makes a big difference! Try things like placing your subject off center, using something to frame your image, or allowing blank or "negative" space to make your photo more dynamic. Good composition will make a more focused image which draws your eye naturally to the main point of interest.
# 3. The way you see things. 
Try a new perspective! Seeing things from an different angle is often what makes a photo interesting to look at. Get down on the ground, up in a tree, or tilt your camera a new direction. 
Now, take your camera (or your iphone!) and have a ton of fun with it! 
Thanks so much for having me! If you'd like to keep in touch, you can find my husband and me blogging about life here and see more about what I do for a living here
Happy picture taking, 
~ Jess

“Perhaps it is our imperfections that make us so perfect for one another!” 

Thank you Jess for taking time out of your crazy schedule to share some of your amazingness with us!

Here's where you can find Jess:
Blog  |  Photography  |  Facebook  |   Twitter


  1. Great tips! I am working on getting a digital SLR camera and cannot wait to work on my skills.

  2. Hey Laura I just wanted you to know I tagged you check it out

  3. These are great. I shall keep these in mind. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway at Royal Daughter Designs!
