
Friday, February 24, 2012

Blog Swap with Allison @ Whatever The Circumstances

Happy Friday Everyone!
I have a special guest today, Allison from Whatever The Circumstances. I just adore reading her blog. Her and I have a lot in common especially when it come to our Faith. She blogs about life, parenting, DIY, sewing, and running. OK we were about on the same page except for the running part. I just can't run. I get a visual just thinking about it. LOL Make sure you visit her blog today where you'll find me guest posting here.

Hi! I'm Allison and I blog over at Whatever The Circumstances. I am so happy to be here with you guys today. I am honored that Laura asked me to swap blogs for the day and am so amazed by how quickly Laura has taken to this whole blogging thing and I feel like I can learn so much from her, even though she has only been doing it for about 2 months! Sometimes I wonder how she does it all.

But anyways. I guess I am here to talk a little bit about me...
I am a wife, full time biology teacher, friend, follower of Christ and blogger. I love sharing pieces of my life with friends, family and new visitors through my blog. My blog is really just a place for me to share my adventures in crafting, running, faith, marriage and daily life.

I am an adventurer at heart but am thrilled to be finally settled down near my family (we actually currently in the process of trying to buy our first house). The hubs and I lived out in Indiana for 3 years so he could attend Law School and this summer after he walked across that stage, we packed up and moved back East because of new jobs. The best thing about the move, my sisters (one who is married one who is soon to be married-hopefully) and my parents now only live 5 minutes from me.

So today, I thought I would share a little bit about my adventures in learning to be creative. First I should say, I am not creative at heart. I studied Biology in college and love all things logical and scientific. If you were to tell my 17 year old self that one day I would enjoy sewing and crafting I would probably laugh at you and then show you my failed attempts at art that my mom so proudly displayed around our childhood home (my parents have since moved out of that house and destroyed all evidence of my un-crafty youth).
But now, I sew, decorate, make cards, craft and knit (well sort of, I'm still not that good at the last one). I am constantly looking for new projects to tackle and trying to learn new skills on my sewing machine. Don't get the wrong idea, I am still no Susie Homemaker, but I am learning new things, and realizing that it isn't impossible to do a lot of the crafty stuff I see other people doing all the time. So how did I turn the corner from science nerd to crafter?

Honestly, I started blogging and reading other peoples blogs. Then I started thinking "I could probably follow those directions" and eventually it turned into "I could probably figure out how to make that just looking at that picture." 

And you know what else did it for me? I started accruing these amazing pins on my pin board and thinking "someday I will do all of these projects."  But after It started filling up with beautiful things that I wanted to one-day make, I started to feel discouraged and overwhelmed. And one-day I thought, "Why can't today be someday?" And so my friends and I met up and made skirts.

The next thing I know I am making stockings for our Mantel at Christmas, giving people hand made gifts instead of store bought ones and redecorating my mantel using my own creativity. And I found that I really enjoyed making things and learning new things.

The important thing is to not lose yourself in your crafting attempts but to find yourself. If becomes cumbersome or overwhelming, put the sewing machine  or knitting needles away for a while and forget about all of those projects you want to tackle. Some months I sew almost every day, and some months (like this one) I barely touch the sewing machine. But it isn't because I am afraid of it, it is because I am busy living my life in other ways. 

See isn't she just amazing! Here's ways to follow Allison. Make sure you reach out and say hello and that you saw her post here.

Blog   |   Twitter   |   Bloglovin   |    Pinterest

Thank you Allison for for visiting today.


  1. Hi Laura, new follower here! Thanks for participating in the giveaway with Royal Daughters!

    1. Hi Kelly! Thanks for the follow. If you interested I still have a few large $5 ad spaces available for March. Let me know if you interested.

  2. Dropping in from RDD. I like how Allison wrote, "I'm busy living my life in other ways." So true for me with knitting.
