
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Framed Button Heart {Getting Crafty}

This week we got a little crafty {totally out of the "norm" for us}. We do a lot of baking in our house but when it comes to arts and crafts, sewing, putting things together with our own hands, it just doesn't happen. Who would have thought this simple craft project would totally changed my way of thinking. I don't have to be an artist or seamstress to do these things with my kids. We'll learn together {and probably laugh A LOT along the way}! I treasure those moments I can spend one-on-one time with my daughters. Sometimes I need to remind myself, everything else can wait, family comes first. My kids are growing fast and if you don't take the time now, I might not get that chance again. Gosh, I never intended this post to turn into a cry-fest {as tears run down my face}.
Framed Button Heart {Under $5.00}
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Don't get overwhelmed by all the photos. I'm a photographer so sometimes it gets the best of me. {I seem do better visually that verbally.}

Here is what you need:
  • Frame {you can get from the dollar store}
  • Buttons {we purchased from an antique store for $2.00}
  • Fabric {we used an old scarf from the antique store for $1.00 or burlab fabric would work}
  • Cardboard {we cut an manila folder in half}
  • Hot Glue Gun {any super glue would work}
First we spread everything out and warmed up the glue gun.
 Opened up our piece of material, put the piece of cardboard in the center and
cut around the cardboard, leaving 2" of extra fabric around each side.
We then used the hot glue gun and glued the fabric around all the edges. 
{Yes I burnt my finger!} Our first laugh of the project. 
 We then opened the frame, removed the glass, inserted the fabric covered
piece of cardboard, and put the frame backing back on.
 Then the fun crafting started. I had my daughter Charlie (age 6), choose any
buttons she wanted to use and make an outline of a heart in the center of the frames opening.
We chose pink since this was a Valentine's project.
Once the heart outlined was created, I had her start filling in the middle.
 She was so engrossed this project. I loved her attention to detail.
 After a little rearranging, the heart was complete.
 Then I stepped in with the hot glue gun and began gluing the
buttons down exactly where she had placed them.
 Charlie is just as particular as me, she corrected every millimeter I was off. Again we
were laughing hysterically until we both couldn't talk and tears we running down our faces.

 And voila, our master piece was complete.  Miss Charlie was so proud of her work
{as she should be, it turned out beautiful}.
It now has a permanent spot in our living. The heart is a constant reminder of the love of our family and for me personally, to take more time for the little moments.
And for all your not-so-crafty moms like myself, I hope this was found helpful.

Now let's go get our crafty on!
Join in our DIY Valentine's Craft Link Up Party!

Don't forget to follow up on Facebook & Twitter!


Our Reflection


  1. I love all things buttons! I will have to make one of these!
    Also wanted to let you know that I awarded you the Liebster Blog Award! Congrats!


    1. I love buttons too! I'm probably a dork but what's a Liebster Blog Award?

  2. Sorry I guess I should have linked my blog to it- more info there!

    1. Oh my gosh! What a blessing! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me. :) Let's link up together!

  3. I Love it......its totally cute. And looks easy too!
    I'm a new follower.
    Amy's Life

    1. Thanks Amy! It was easy. For my first craft I had to stick to the basics. LOL. Thanks for the follow. Hope you join in our DIY Valentine's Craft Link Up party!

  4. how fun!!!! and very cute!!!!!

    your newest follower :)

    follow me back? XOXO

  5. Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for linking up today!
    Have a great day!

  6. I love this! And can't wait to do this--maybe this weekend--and get it put on the wall. I've also seen people who do this with letters for their kids' rooms. Which I think is too cute also. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Super cute Laura! Thank you for joining the blog hop this week :) Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. I love this! thanks for linking up :)

  9. That's so cute!! Perfect for the mantel!! Thanks for linking up with us at the Find Some Love Fest!!

    All The Love In The Universe

  10. Love this and a great way to get kids involved! We have had so much fun with the Find Some Love Fest link up! It's a great way to connect and support fellow bloggers.
    We are following you and would love for you to visit our blog.

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

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