
Saturday, January 28, 2012

For the Love of Bikes

If anyone knows our family, they know us with our mountain bikes. Where we go, our bikes go. Period. After our "I do's", we actually rode back down the isle on a tandem! {No we didn't fall and make it safely to the limo.} We honeymooned on Mackinac Island, MI since there are no cars allowed, only bikes and horses. That's bike love.
In the winter, even though we live in California, its colder and rainier and I just don't seem to get out there as much as I should. I come up with the excuse I'm to tired. I work 40 hours a week, I'm a photographer on the weekends, and I'm a mom. That's not an excuse. I need to put exercise back into my daily routine. Somehow its slipped away but these pesky winter pounds are sure holding on strong.

We had a family portrait session taken earlier this year with the fabulous photographer Jessica VelardeDuring this session she did an amazing job of capturing the "real" us. 

Thank you Jess for these amazing photos that will be treasured for a lifetime, just like you.

 Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in ALL circumstances 1 Thess. 5:17-18 ♥




  1. Oh, gosh, I know all about those pesky winter pound just holding on! I'm trying to get back into running, but as soon as I get back into it, the weather will get cold again and who wants to run when it's 40 degrees outside?!?

    These photos are beautiful and so much fun!

    1. Thanks Tiffany! I'm glad someone else understands. LOL Together, we can do this! :) Thanks for stopping by.

  2. What a great shoot! I love when the "real" family or person is captured in the images taken from a photo shoot! Absolutely gorgeous scenery as well! What a blessing to share that with your family!

  3. Those photos are AMAZING! Also, so happy you shared the tandem wedding photo hehe :-)

  4. I do love bikes! :) These pictures are amazing! Love them!! Oh, and BTW I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Go to my blog to check it out! :)

    1. Oh my gosh! You have me so overjoyed I'm almost in tears. This is such a blessing. Thank you! Thank you! Thank youi!

  5. How sweet! I have never seen family pictures like these...very unique :) Now following and would love for you to stop by my cooking blog anytime! Have a great week! -Audra
