Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hellocotton LinkUp!

We're back!!
and I are back with another awesome Hellocotton LinkUp!
It's been a while, eh!?

For anyone not familiar with Hellocotton yet, you have no idea what you're missing!
Hellocotton allows you to follow for free the most talented women bloggers out there. It is the easiest way to discover the latest on trends and to take on a daily dose of inspiration. Hellocotton also allows you to comment, vote and share it all with your friends.
Hellocotton brings together all inspiring blogs of the moment. All you friends (people you follow) messages and articles are uploaded in real time to your homepage. This way, you don't miss a thing. Scroll the "Headlines" to make sure you checked out the most popular publications. Hellocotton is a goldmine, therefore essential.
Create a Hellocotton account, if you haven't already, then come back  here and link up!

The Rules

1. Follow your hosts
{they are the first 3 in the linky and they WILL return the favor!}

2. Follow at least 3 new blogs via Hellocotton
{or more!! and don't be shy, introducing yourself is a wonderful way to make new friends!}

3. Spread the word!
{the more the merrier!  grab the button & add it to your blog, tweet or Facebook about the linkup!  this is not necessary, but would kindly appreciated!!}

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Hellocotton!


<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><center>

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fall Bucket List

Found here.

My favorite time of year.
Especially as a photographer, the golden colors are breathtaking for portraits.

Last year I attempted a fall bucket list. Yes I said attempted.
This year is different. New priorities.  Fresh outlook on life.
What a perfect opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends.

Who's with me?


Friday, September 14, 2012

Changing the life of a child... forever!

We would like you to meet Jose.
It's been a almost two years since God brought Jose into our lives. I remember receiving the packet in the mail like it was only yesterday. He was 4 and from Mexico {left photo}. It came with a very brief letter from the agency about where he lived, his likes/hobbies and a little hand written note with a drawing he had made. Just melted our hearts. We knew, even from afar, he was part of our family.

Since then, we've been much like pen-pals. Every few months we get a photo and letter about what's going on in his life. Birthday's and Christmas we sent a gift but that's been where it ends.

Two years later, now he's 6 {right photo}, and we receive our newest letter and for the very first time his questions weren't: Where do you live? How many kids do you have? What's your favorite thing to do? His questions was, when will you get to visit me?

Talk about your stomach hitting the floor. I just about started balling. We've always wanted to do more than just be his sponsors, was this it? Are we suppose to travel to the middle of Mexico to meet this adorable little man? Our hearts say yes. We're not sure how or when, but YES, we're going to meet him soon.

There are so many children out there that need only a kind heart. Someone to give them encouragement. 

Matthew 7:12 ”So whatever you wish that others would do to you, 
do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

Become a sponsor. It will change your life forever. Click HERE for more information.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Little Sparkle...

 I woke up this morning with a smile on my face and a bounce in my step.

Realizing God is working on our family. 

Change is happening.

We're transforming.

Typically we want God to answer our questions.
We need to take the time to listen to what He is asking us.
That's what I started this morning.
Asking, "Jesus, speak to me."
Then I wait, and ask again.

God spoke to my heart saying, "Why do you worry?"
Worry accomplishes absolutely nothing.
Worrying is not good for you.
Worrying is the opposite of trusting God.

"Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He as done."
Philippians 4:6

I feel God moving in my heart.
I'm excited to start this new chapter in our lives.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Running on empty...?

Too busy...?

Sounds all to familiar. 

Why do we feel that we must jam-pack our lives? 
If we have an open spot on the calendar it must be filled. 
I took a moment to reflect on what "busy" is going to my life and this is what I found...

1} I'm out of shape and not finding time to exercise, eat right and take care of myself.

2} Out of sorts emotionally. I can go from extremely happy to crying is .05 seconds.

3} I fell out of touch with those who are closest to me. Both friends and family.

4} My spiritually looses its priority.

Lately I've been a bit overwhelmed and this verse always contorts me:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon your and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:28-29

It was time to prioritize. Actually take Sunday as a day of rest. Yes I said it, rest.

I had to find balance. The differences between what I want and what I need.

Lastly, I need to remember to dream. I have dreams and its never to late to make them a reality.
To reach them, I have to set goals. Some short term, some long, but at least I have this
list to reflect on what I've accomplished and how far I've gone.

We don't always like to think that our days are numbered.
Our kids are growing in a blink of an eye. The time to live your dreams is now.

"Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise." Ephesians 5:15

"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him." Psalm 62:1

Making alone time with God has moved to the top of my priority list. Asking what God wants from me.

Things in our life has changed and God has opened this new avenue for my photography
business to expand by leaps and bounds. Just in case you have wondered where I've been
or what I've been doing, I wanted to share with you a few images for my last portrait session. 
You can view the entire photo session here.

I want to close with this...

If Satin can't make us bad, he can make us busy.

Think about it and prioritize what's important in your life.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Mama's Nest Designs Grand Re-Opening

Hi, Our Reflection readers! It's Tricia from Mama Marchand's Nest and I'm thrilled that Laura let me share her space today to bring you some great news! Today is the grand reopening of Mama's Nest Designs, my jewelry shop! WOO HOO!

I closed up shop for all of August to go on vacation with my little family, to take a much needed break, and to work on brand new designs. I like to use both new and upcycled elements in my nature and vintage inspired jewelry. I think it's an awesome thing to be able to use pieces from something old to make something new - a lot like how a bird makes her nest. (pssst ... that's the meaning behind my shop name). 

So, today, my shop doors are open for business! Here's just a glimpse of some of the things I've created for my reopening:

(bottom right is my new messy nest necklace)

I have more good news - if you sign up for my newsletter (click here), I'll be sending out an exclusive discount code to my brand new newsletter subscribers this afternoon for you to use now through this Sunday. So, be sure to click over and sign up! Also, I promise not to flood your inbox - you'll only hear from me about once a month.

Thanks, Laura, for supporting me, my blog, and my shop! *smile*

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